16 November 2016

5 November 2016

Identifying A DCA-Registered Product

All pharmaceutical products, including health supplements and traditional supplies, need to be registered with the Drug Control Authority (DCA) before it is marketed in Malaysia. Assessment of the product should be carried out to ensure safety to the public. Each product is registered with the DCA is safe to be consumed by the public.

3 November 2016

Order ChimpOIL Online with Secure Payment by PayPal

Our Secure Payment

Backed by the trusted PayPal brand, you can securely shop at ChimpOIL (https://www.chimpanzeebrand.com/-ordershop----.html) -- Our shop is protected with SSL certificate that provides security for online communications. Transactions on our site are protected with up to 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer encryption.

25 October 2016

Vital Role for Ancient Medicine 古药的重要作用


2000年法国民族药理学家Laurent Pordié,在科学与医疗范畴中获得劳力士雄才伟略大奖, 为西藏医术(Amchi)系统得以延伸至下代。致力保存了西藏草药的重要性并培训当地人士成为执业西藏医师。

29 September 2016

A “Contented Finding” Towards End of 3rd Quarter of the Year

While performing our internet search recently, we were surprised by seeing our website, chimpoil.com being listed in the List of Top 250 Websites on MEDICINAL.

Kudos! This “unexpected” listing is found in BigListofWebsites.com. The website (BigListofWebsites.com) provides professional users with the tool to find the most popular websites in a niche market – from its over-five-million websites spidered and listed in their database.

25 September 2016

Great Apes Giving Day - October 4, 2016

Join Arcus and GFAS in a global day of giving in support of more than 30 qualified sanctuaries and rescue centers providing rehabilitation or long-term care for great apes and gibbons throughout Africa, Asia, and North America.

20 September 2016

Which chimp colouring do you like?

Which chimp colouring do you like? - vote by commenting #LEFT or#RIGHT below!
#LEFT . Creamy Yellow
#RIGHT . Green Chartreuse; Green Yellowish
The best rated Chimp will be used in our upcoming marketing tool.
Please vote.
#chimpoil #chimpcolouring #vote

19 September 2016

Rainforest Rescue's Petitions - Support for Good Causes


For the love of animals and nature, and to support the global environmental wellbeings, we wish to highlight some immediate issues here raised by the Rainforest Rescue team in their current petition projects.

15 September 2016

ChimpOIL Lantern Puzzle CONTEST

Chinese copy 中文版请参阅以下链接: 

▪ 猜灯谜活动一览 --  https://bit.ly/coil140916
▪ 填写表格 --  https://contest.fbapp.io/1369641

In the joy of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival,  we have set this picture puzzle game contest for our fans and friends to make their guesses online; just like riddle guesses of a traditional Chinese lantern riddle game at cultural festival. 

PUZZLE : In the above picture, can you guess where is the KFC located?

(HINT:  Chinese ancestors had exploited this place; Guess the name of this place)

14 September 2016

猩猩油 庆中秋,齐来猜灯谜

mooncake fest contest

Click link below to view copy in English: 

▪ Lantern Puzzle Info --  https://bit.ly/coil150916
▪ Contest Form --  



(谜面:华人先贤开拓之地, 猜一地区名字)



6 September 2016


校园防蚊灭蚊小常识: 四川大学华西公共卫生学院


... 蚊子可传播疟疾、乙脑、黄热病、登革热、寨卡热等多种疾病。

5 September 2016

腾讯新闻: 巧用风油精,防蚊驱蚊防寨卡

... 目前最新证据表明,怀孕期间感染寨卡病毒,可能与畸形新生婴儿如小头症、胎儿死亡有关,但传播几率尚不清楚。所以,专家们强调,孕妇(尤其1-3月孕早期)或准备怀孕的女性是寨卡病毒感染高危人群,近期要慎重考虑前往发生疫情国家、地区。

... 要注意做好防蚊措施,一旦出现发热、皮疹、肌肉关节疼痛等症状,应及时到医疗机构就诊,并主动告知医务人员相关旅行史。


註: 图文转载自腾讯新闻

( 原文文稿属腾讯网登载供参考的商业信息。)

p.s.: 敬请留意明日将会有分享PowerPoint演示文稿教你或家人如何防蚊驱蚊。

3 September 2016

月饼心思 佳节表关怀


28 August 2016

5-step Mozzie Wipeout: to prevent mosquito breeding

Singapore has had the first case of locally transmitted infection of Zika virus infection case.

To minimise the risk of any spread of Zika in Singapore (or in Malaysia), it is critical that all of us as a community take immediate steps to prevent mosquito breeding in our homes by doing the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout every alternate day, and protect ourselves from mosquito bites by applying insect repellent regularly.

1. Change water in vases and bowls on alternate days
2. Remove water from flower pot plates on alternate days
3. Turn over all water storage containers
4. Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use
5. Clear blockages and put BTI insecticide in roof gutters monthly

⬆Source: http://www.dengue.gov.sg
FB: @Stop.Dengue.Now

⬇More resources from WHO

ENGLISH Ver- http://www.who.int/features/qa/zika/en/

CHINESE Ver - http://www.who.int/features/qa/zika/zh/



















Source: WHO

25 August 2016

处暑过后: 天气中午热,早晚凉,昼夜温差大 - 护关节 身体需保暖

处暑过后: 天气中午热,早晚凉,昼夜温差大- 护关节 身体需保暖

“处暑”节气到來,天气转暖, 雨水亦会逐渐增多。白天天气闷热,出外仍需注意防暑防晒准备,多喝水。夜间天气渐渐转凉,入夜会寒凉。入睡时必要盖好被子,保持身体溫暖,免着凉,护关节。

7 August 2016

Less Pain, Fewer Pills

Less Pain, Fewer Pills 一 Pain killers can cause tolerance, dependence, and addiction in the long term. Go see a doctor if you find that your pain or soreness isn't getting any better; seek professional advice to determine your pain treatment options.


30 July 2016

Seed of Hope for the Indigenous

A little joy to share with everyone this morning about the JCI's community project next month, namely of their visit to learn about the life aspects of the indigenous community (Orang Asli)  in the State of Pahang, Malaysia; as well as to supply the Orang Asli with some health and basic living items to ease their remote living deep in the forest areas.
We are gladful to support JCI in this matter.

27 July 2016

There is Health in Nature

"In some people, anxiety can be a symptom when you have depression. Other symptoms of depression include low mood, feelings of sadness, sleep problems, poor appetite, irritability, poor concentration, decreased sex drive, loss of energy, guilt feelings, headaches, aches, pains, and palpitations."

Info sharing of the day: There is Health in Nature.

22 July 2016

关注家人健康: 老人家用药 以下几点应注意

关注家人健康: 老人家用药 以下几点应注意 -


14 July 2016

29 June 2016


续昨日”寻找星星极品”的博文,今日要为大家介绍双溪只登 (Sungai Chetang) 这个甚少被报导但确实又有盛产多种极品榴莲的宁静小镇以及选来一则由文桥传播中心2013年8月发布的一段有趣文章与大家享。

28 June 2016

正宗本地极品 - 就要找"星星"啦!




- 猫山王农业部编号为D197。
- 记得特产就要找有星星的猫山王才是正品。
- 要找特产正货记得要找猩猩品牌--猩猩商标 猩猩驅風油,由马来西亚张志剛藥行监制出品。

- chimpoil.com


27 June 2016

Dodol, the toffee-like sweet confection during festivals

- Good Sharing for Ramadhan -

Dodol - one of the commonly served dishes during Islamic festivals like 'Iftar' meals on Ramadhan and on Hari Raya days as sweet treats for the kids!

It is a delicacy toffee-like confection make of coconut milk, jaggery, and sticky rice flour. Durian and pandan leaves may be added to make it more flavours and delicious.

24 June 2016

Zheng He - Voyages to the Western Seas

On this holy month of Ramadan, we hope to bring in the remarkable achievements and life of Zheng He (1371-1433), the great Chinese Muslim admiral whom we should learn about in school - his voyages to the Western Seas.

21 June 2016

360° picked

The evolving trend on social media is burgeoning into a world of interactive, fun, spherical VR trend with live, 3D-360-degree videos now!

Below are some popular 360° videos’ links we picked, so you can take them for spins. In case you get too head-ached over 360, just stay calm and get relieved with chimpOIL.

(Note: YouTube app may be required for 360° viewing)

■ The Fight to Save Threatened Species - https://youtu.be/T-aOVE22lEw

12 May 2016

Beat Diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise ...

April 2016 -- 422 million adults have diabetes. That is 1 person in 11. Diabetes can lead to complications in many parts of the body and increase the risk of dying prematurely. Key actions for everyone include: eat healthily, be physically active, avoid excessive weight gain, check blood glucose, follow medical advice.

20 April 2016





提示 1: 西马

提示 2: 南北大道

提示 3: 霹雳州

答案揭晓及公布获奖者: 1-5-2016 (或更早)。



注: 你可以重复猜测填写您的答案。


食蟹猕猴,也称为长尾猕猴。主要分布在亚洲东南部国家地区。活动范围包括原始森林、次生林、红树林以及其他一些靠近水域的森林地区。它们的食物来源较为广泛,除了螃蟹以外,水果、树叶、小动物、鸟类都是他们食用的对象。近来的一些观察发现,随着生存环境的恶化,有些食蟹猕猴学会了捕食鱼类来扩大自己的食物来源。同许多动物一样,栖息地被破坏是导致食蟹猕猴数量减少的主要原因。另一方面,食蟹猕猴也面临被捕捉作医学实验或药物实验的危胁。来自当地农民、住户的捕杀也造成了它们数量的减少,部分国家和地区的政府已经考虑为这种生物建立相应的保护机制。- 原文摘自维基物种。

Read in English copy: bit.ly/coil190416

19 April 2016

Let's Guess & Share Them

Guess this place! & share them

These monkeys are cute, especially the smaller one.

Let's guess the location/spot where these photos (of monkeys) were taken.

Clue 1: in West Malaysia

Clue 2: North-South Expressway

Clue 3: in the State of Perak

Announcement of results & winners: 1-5-2016 or earlier.

The accurate & fastest answer we receive will win a surprise gift + chimpOIL.

Type your answer in the blog comment below or on our shared FB post (blog post).

Note: You can submit your guesses multiple times.

Info Sharing:

The crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis), also known as the long-tailed macaque, has a long history alongside humans; they have been alternately seen as agricultural pests, sacred animals in some temples and more recently, the subject of medical experiments. The crab-eating macaque lives in matrilineal social groups with a female dominance hierarchy, and male members leave the group when they reach puberty.  - Source: wikipedia

查阅华语贴子: bit.ly/coil200416


15 April 2016

杜拜首座海底别墅 The Floating Seahorse 2016年底将建成

哇塞!  真的是非凡别墅。
杜拜海地别墅预料会在今年底完成。该别墅计划已落实命名为The Floating Seahorse (漂浮的海马)。给大家分享分享。

有能力有健康的您可会计划去看看吧!  。。。 (据以售罄呢)

The Floating Seahorse in Dubai is an iconic, one of a kind luxury lifestyle project which was officially unveiled at The Dubai International Boat Show at in March 2015.

The Floating Seahorse is a truly unique underwater product which is the first of its kind in the world. It is an exclusive marine style retreat (All of the Floating Seahorse villas were seems sold out now; although you can still plan to go and have a view!).

13 April 2016



" 這偏方是我朋友的大嫂親身经歴, 膝頭很痛 ,痛到唔行得 ,醫生說要做手術 ,但做後效果可能亦不會太理想。

12 April 2016

11 April 2016

April's Fever with ChimpOIL's Movie Recommendations

Disney's The Jungle Book

The all-new live-action epic adventure of Mowgli. He is a human boy who was abandoned in the the jungle and raised by a pack of wolves.

9 April 2016

Relief, with chimpOIL 猩猩油助缓解疼痛


Go Lucky with Hair Highlight for 2016

猩猩油日前在雪隆华堂协办的风水命理分享会《好运来到你家》已圆满结束,感谢朋友们的参加及聆听,感激台湾锺曜陽风水命理大师给予我们的经验分享。 至于没能出席的你,或许这里的2016年小小贴士分享也能为你开开运 -- 启'发'运势!

#猩猩驅风油 #风水篇 #share #锺曜陽

1 April 2016

Happy April Fools' together! 猩 猩▪油▪愚你同乐!

猩 猩  ▪ 油 ▪  愚 你 同 乐!

!yaD 'slooF lirpA yppaH
Happy April Fools' Day!


31 March 2016

Luck Comes in April

Feng Shui Sharing on 7 APR: Bring Luck into Your Home
Picture originally Designed by Freepik

A great day to end the 1st quarter of 2016 and welcome the luck (that) comes in April.  Perform a quick review today to see your accomplishments so far; are you in good progress to achieve those resolutions set earlier the year?

29 March 2016

SORRY 歹势, 拯救地球

自早前地球日开启至今,猩猩油之'猩浩地球'活动很快就会在这月底的最候一日圆满结束。筹募所得捐款将直接经由'SimplyGiving' 全数转交马来西亚-世界自然基金会公益户口(WWF-Malaysia), 为可持续生态环境保育所需经费出份棉力。也希望大家多多支持,慷慨解囊。www.simplygiving.com/chimphoot.

接下来我们将与台湾锺矅陽大师协办一场风水命理分享会,教导大家如何运用简单的方法招到好运。这里特意找来锺老师多年前为地球加油的一小风趣幽默片段 -- '对不起地球'。好让大家对大师有多一份认识。


‪#‎chimpOIL‬ ‪#‎锺矅陽‬

28 March 2016


Taiwan Feng Shui Master, Mr. Zhong Yao Yang will be delivering
his Feng Shui talk at KLSCAH KL on 7 April 2016, 8pm - 9.30pm.
世界风水乃中华文化哲學继承之一。虽有说风水是迷信,但它又不乏其应用之道理。回望大马华人药业的发展,甚至所有有华人聚居的地方: 风水向来都备受社会人群的关注或重用。无论从品牌命名,选址座向,摆设装潢; 至到居家风水, 风水改运等 -- 都存在着或多或少的风水理论或风水效应之影响。

故此,为秉持推广华人文化的传统保留,我们猩猩油创新的与台湾知名风水命理大师--鍾矅楊老师; 为大家协办一场名为《好运来到你家》的分享会。教你如何运用简单的方法,来轻易地招到好运气并把它带回家。事业能顺利之余,更有健康的身体。

27 March 2016

燃续生态未来 從心而发

... 燃续生态未来
一切從心而发 ...


23 March 2016

Weight and Measurement

Traditional measurement in health care market such as ingredients calculation may be expressed in tablespoon, tea-cup, glass, bowl and etc.  Do you know its equivalency in metric volume?  Here are their conversions that you need to remember.

One teaspoonful is equivalent to 5ml.
One tablespoon is equivalent to 15ml.
One ounce is equivalent to 30ml.
One teacup is equivalent to about 150ml.
One glass is equivalent to about 200ml.
One bowl is equivalent to about 300ml.

22 March 2016


許多的物種及其生境均面對著日益嚴重的不同威脅。我們生活在地球上有責任好好地保育那些珍貴的資源及環境,好讓我們的下一代仍可以繼續欣賞及享用。 - 世界自然基金會(WWF)


一份力,一份加油 !
不論多寡,请立即捐款 !


每位捐款者将获得猩猩油样本(4ml) 一支。

20 March 2016

Earth Hour - What's Next?

It's certainly an exciting time of the year that millions around the world join together for the biggest party - Earrh Hour. What's Next? At chimpOIL, we are supporting WWF-Malaysia once again, through simplygiving.com, with you to help protect our incredible planet.

We are making a difference by raising money for a cause close to our heart. All donors of this campaign will be given a sample pack of chimpOIL (4ml), as an appreciation token for your support given. Delivery is included within Malaysia.

- chimpOIL

p.s :
*1 Kindly drop us your delivery address with subject heading EH2016 after making a donation, at:
http://www.chimpanzeebrand.com/contact-us---.html or email us: oil@chimpanzeebrand.com
*2. For minimum rm10 or above donations only

Give a Hoot for Nature 猩浩地球

chimpOIL 猩猩油 is fundraising

19 March 2016


許多的物種及其生境均面對著日益嚴重的不同威脅。我們生活在地球上有責任好好地保育那些珍貴的資源及環境,好讓我們的下一代仍可以繼續欣賞及享用。 - 世界自然基金會(WWF)


一份力,一份加油 !
不論多寡,请立即捐款 !

Give a Hoot for Nature 猩浩地球

chimpOIL is fundraising for WWF-Malaysia
每位捐款者将获得猩猩油样本(4ml) 一支。

18 March 2016

Earth Hour 2016 地球一小时

Switch off non-essential lights and enjoy nature.

減少不必要的消耗,关掉点灯 享受自然吧!

Earth Hour 2016 is at 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM on Saturday, March 19.

17 March 2016

A Medicinal Journey of the Past

"Benevolent Heart and Skillful Execution" - the wooden plague
in commemoration of the launch of Chimpanzee Oil (1968, IPOH)

Journey back in time of the golden days of the 60's with a tradition full of remarkable Chinese cultures and values. A time where Traditional Chinese medicinal market gradually evolves in Malaysia and reaches its peak in the 80/90's.

"However, an unfortunate situation has been that for decades, that Chinese traditional medicine in Malaysia--and even in the extend of Asian traditional medicine—has struggled to gain legitimacy as medicine."

Here are some photos we published on FB official page previously, for all bloggers' enlightenment and viewing. More photos' captions/descriptions can be found from our FB photo gallery. 

We hope you will like them. Enjoy!

Quick link to our FB page: chimpOIL

(click on photo for full-sized gallery view on desktop browser)