21 December 2017


2018 跨年预告视频
主题: 幸福共好 Happy Together



超炫! 超赞! 👍👍👍

15 December 2017


摘自 CNN 健康文章 Dr Melina Jampolis CNN 编写
Flipboard 分播, 2017年12月12日

⚕ 胃脹不息: 潜着導致體重增加的醫學護理原由


[English 英语文稿🔗 fb.chimpoil.com/blogshare/103]

🙊 驅風止痛良伴 猩猩油

實用方法: 將猩猩油滴于肚子上,以肚臍為圓心,手掌抵住腹部,依順時針方向加以按摩直到肚子感覺發熱,定能為你緩解腹脹疼痛不息。

🅱️ 猩客
猩猩商標 猩猩驅風油

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🅾️ 資料來源 (CNN\Flipboard)
原文連接: 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ 🆔️ Why am I not losing weight?

🆓 開啓您自家的网络商店

14 December 2017

Excerpt on Digestive Problems and Abdominal Bloating

An excerpt from CNN health article, 12 Dec 2017
by Dr Melina Jampolis CNN, news aggregated in Flipboard)

⚕Hidden medical causes of weight gain.
Chronic constipation can also lead to abdominal bloating as well as gas, cramps, and sharp, stabbing pains...  (Photo: Flipboard)

../excerpt ends.

🙊 Relief, with ChimpOIL
Expel from abdominal gas & bloating

Put few drops of ChimpOIL onto your stomach area and massage by pressing with the palm of your hand around the navel in a clockwise direction. Do this until it gets warm (for efficacy).

🅱️ Chimp Blog
Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil

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  🔗 fb.chimpoil.com

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Stay tuned to receive our newsletters straight to your inbox. Submit by filling your email address to us in the options field allocated at the end of this blog (Desktop onlyView in Web version from mobile).

🌏 www.chimpanzeebrand.com

🅾️ Original Reference
Picture: Flipboard
Source: Original full-length article (CNN): Why am I not losing weight?👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

🆓 Add an Online Store for free

13 December 2017

Nostalgia: 1st video on YouTube Three Years Ago.

Here I am! 🙊

Being nostalgia...

... Our 1st video that we uploaded on YouTube three years ago.

Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil
❤ Bou Bou: https://youtu.be/K3V1jGiEQhI

( #Here I Am 🙉 https://youtu.be/TdRQokgIFu0 )

👍 Like & Share Us:
- fb.chimpoil.com

Stay tuned to ChimpBLOG and receive our newsletters released to your inbox. Just fill in the options field provided at bottom of this page. THANK YOU

#memory #season #love #hereiam #airsupply

9 December 2017

YouTube: 腰背風濕疼痛救星 來自猩猩寳號 Pain Relief, with ChimpOIL

Watch & Subscribe to Youtube


你是否经常受腰背颈骨病疼或肌肉酸痛所困扰? 或患有風濕骨痛,關節压痛,肿痛疾病而烦恼不堪? 就连睡觉都被疼醒? 请马上滴下少许猩猩驅風油于患处部位, 猩猩油油力在瞬刻间便能为你缓解病痛,舒缓痛楚。

‍♂️‍♀️ 加以搓揉按摩更有助发挥药油功效。令药力快速渗透皮肤肌肉底层及经由血管组织吸收循环至全身体内,快速达到止痛消腫的效果。

 ‍♀️‍♂️ 另外,油效在通过穴位按摩或推拿能促使经络气血通畅来调理身体,进而根治疾病关键。

An effective soothing oil to relieve pain, muscle and joints soreness, cramps, bruises, sprain and back pain. 

Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil™ (ChimpOIL) contains medical herbs compounds that relieve muscles pain, joint swelling and stiffness. 

Relief mild to moderate rheumatic rheumatoid and arthritis pain (RA) with ChimpOIL. 

Use few drops of ChimpOIL to get relief in 5 to 15 minutes, and rub/massage the painful area with small strokes until it feels warm (for efficacy). Do this 3-4 times daily. 

MELEGAKAN KESAKITAN DAN KEKEJANGAN OTOT YANG SERING TERJADI - Minyak Angin Cap CIMPANZI adalah berkesan untuk melegakan sakit-sakit otot dan sendi, Rheumatik, kekejangan kaki, sakit pinggang, lebam, terseliuh dll. 

Watch & Subscribe to Our Youtube Channel ➖
🎥 https://youtube.com/chimpoilmalaysia
🅱️ https://chimpoil.blogspot.com

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🐵 Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil ➖

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猩猩商標 猩猩驅風油 
Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil™ 
Cheong Chee Kong Trading @Medical Hall 

4 December 2017

回首咱们家老行业 去感受失传的中华民俗

回首咱们家老行业 去感受失传的中华民俗


一篇来自中国CCTV4国宝档案微信公号消息,分享了25种失传的中华名俗 ,25幅极致珍贵的中国风物的手绘艺术图录,实属很难得再见到了。

旧时人们的生活多姿多彩,有千种模样、万般风情。当中果真也概括了咱们过去的老行业 《耍猴图》。 是喜是愁读(独)怀旧,老老老“老北京” (江湖饭碗) 的全部记忆:小手艺人、小商小贩、衣食住行、民风民俗……那些与我们不告而别的生活就这样不期而至了。

回首当代记忆 收藏自然就是文化价值 。


(图: 搜狐) 



2. 卖零绸子图


原文链接: 老北京25种失传的中华民俗,很难再见到了
CCTV4国宝档案微信公号2017-12-03 14:48

© +猩猩油 Chimpanzee Oil

2 December 2017



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#new #branded #short #domain #chimpoil #猩猩油

1 December 2017


你是否经常受腰背颈骨病疼或肌肉酸痛所困扰? 或患有風濕骨痛,關節压痛,肿痛疾病而烦恼不堪? 就连睡觉都被疼醒?

请马上滴下少许猩猩驅風油于患处部位, 猩猩油油力在瞬刻间便能为你缓解病痛,舒缓痛楚。

💆‍♂️💆‍♀️ 加以搓揉按摩更有助发挥药油功效。令药力快速渗透皮肤肌肉底层及经由血管组织吸收循环至全身体内,快速达到止痛消腫的效果。

💆‍♀️💆‍♂️ 另外,油效在通过穴位按摩或推拿能促使经络气血通畅来调理身体,进而根治疾病关键。

- 猩猩商標 猩猩驅風油
#猩猩油 #chimpoil #reliefwithchimpoil #brandshare 
FB: 🔎@chimpoil 🔗fb.chimpoil.com
🌐 www.chimpanzeebrand.com

23 June 2017

Don't let driving be a pain this festive season

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and have a joyful break & reunion time with family and friends.


If you are travelling on long distance drive or long-haul in flight this festive season, bring ChimpOIL along in case the body gets strained under muscle fatigue. Apply 2-3 drops of ChimpOIL directly on affected part of your body.  

Tips to keep you awake when tired: you can sniff ChimpOil straight from its bottle or rub ChimpOIL in the palms till your hands feel warm, then cup over your nose and inhale ChimpOIL deeply to boost energy up.

- Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil 猩猩驅風油

P/S : Little info about this background image: A beautiful seaside scenery at Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Malaysia.

- ends -

Enter Discount Code at Check Out: ChimpOIL
(to verify offer entitlement).

... add products to cart now!:

17 June 2017

New! 2017 Edition Icon

Our designer's Chimps graphic for ChimpOIL Chinese New Year e-greeting card in 2015, now in his new edition for 2017 mid year marketing icons. Seem like a good idea to give him a name now! Can you suggest one?

猩猩油2015年的新年贺卡中由设计师所绘制的猩猩制图, 如今给他添上2017新编辑版本, 作为在2017年年中的营销标记. 现在给他取名该会是个好主意吧! 你能建议一个吗?

@ChimpOIL @猩猩油

#chimpanzee #art #graphics #naming #idea

10 June 2017

Thought-Provoking Erb And Spice Differences

We came across this article from Merriam-Webster's 'Words at Play' that sounds interesting with thought-provoking reasons to read further, therefore we share here for comments, if any.

Our title above had been purposely misspelt by omiting the first letter of the word 'herb' with an intention to grab better attention and to grab more readings done; since the word (Herb) may be pronounced with or without the 'H" sound being uttered, for instance an Herb store or a herb store.

The same are words like herbaceous, herbicide, herbivore, and herbal in medicine too!

Can we also assume that ALL Americans pronounce it an 'erb', h-less-ly?

Of interest is the debated question: If variety is is the spice of life, what's the herb?  Also, is banana a herb or fruit?

Read on at the original article link below:



26 May 2017

ChimpOIL reveals its magic mugs in Red, Blue and Black!

A Hot Friday Magic - ChimpOIL reveals its magic mugs in Red, Blue and Black!

Magic Friday
Relax y'all! follow here at shop.chimpanzeebrand.com

Relax y'all! It's a Magical Friday!
Get 'em on FB

Relief, with ChimpOIL 猩猩驅風油
@Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil
#CHIMPOIL #magic #mug #red #hot #friday #product  #merchandise #release

25 May 2017

What color describes your mood today?

Scientists and behaviourists have long been studying the association between colours and mood affecting us.

What colour we use or choose may have impacted our emotional welfare, our feelings; and are often subconsciously perceived.

A simple connection between colour and emotion are depicted in the following picture:

Colour mug
Pick a colour mug of your choice

What is your favourite colour?
What colour describes your mood today?

Your choice of colour can be essential to your success - as simple little thought could change your life!

Now pick your choice of colour mug you've just like by following the link: https://bit.ly/coil17

23 May 2017

Have you enabled Blue Light Filtering? 您启用蓝光过滤程式了吗?

Protect your eyes from harmful blue light, start enable your blue light filtering and set your night mode* settings available from your smart phone and other digital devices (*night shift settings on iOS; similar to f.lux on Mac).

Reduce eyes strain by limiting the amount of blue light emitted by your screen. Use filter at night at night can help you to sleep better as well!

21 May 2017

ChimpOIL Merchandise Just Released!

📍**Just Released!*🛒 ChimpOIL line of brand collectibles (merchandise) are available on sale now. Tab Shop now! link on our facebook page to view and shop ChimpOIL collectibles -- right from www.facebook.com/chimpoil.

- @chimpoil

International delivery service charges are provided at checkout. More merchandise are soon to be released, pls. stay tuned with us & like us on Facebook!

Before we forget, here is an extra 5% off discount code for your entire order. This means also that you can save up to 25% off on ChimpOIL merchandise released today.

So please remember to enter this discount code: ChimpOIL527 at checkout. Valid for multiple usage within the discount offer period.

Offer ends 27 May 2017.

CHIMPOIL SHOP & Merchandise

16 May 2017

Colour Considerations for CHIMPOIL's Brand logo


In our logo, we use Blue colour for chimp's shirt -- to represent smart, trusted, medicine business we care. The Red Chinese text of the brand's product name also represents powerful, passion and bold strategy fits for the business. The text could bIe swapped for other line of product; as in our phased-out "Chimpanzee Pills" years back.

@Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil (chimpOIL 猩猩油)

The phantom light trademark of Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil (ChimpOIL) highlights the genuine quality of the product.


#ChimpOIL #brand #medicatedoil #familiar #energetic #environmental #concerns #friendly

9 May 2017

Exercise Produces the Greatest Benefit for Longevity

So this is the best medicine  - the science to improves our lives, or live longer, is to have more exercise.

Although there may be no substantial evidence on this, clinical measurements have been reported that (improvements in) gail speed of exercise correlates with longevity.

4 May 2017

Weight loss an slow down knee joint degeneration

Being overweight or obese puts extra pressure on joints and cartilage, causing them to wear away.

Overweight may also stipulate higher blood levels of proteins that cause inflammation in the joints, increasing the risk for osteoarthritis.

Weight loss can slow down knee joint degeneration (Osteoarthritis), recent research findings show.

Overweight and obese people who lost a substantial amount of weight over a 48-month period showed significantly lower degeneration of their knee cartilage - Radiology Journal, May 2, 2017.

24 April 2017

Daulat Tuanku

Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku
[Heralding Our New King 吾王万岁]

DATE: 24 April 2017
TIME: 9.30am begins

His Majesty's Installation as the 15th Yang Di-Pertuan Agong
Sultan Muhammad V 

Precious File Photos by BERNAMA

During rehearsals and preparations ... photo by BERNAMA
File Photo by BERNAMA

1 March 2017

We All Get By With a Little Help from Our Friends

A quoted story of Nina & little Thabu the Chimps (PASA, Pan African Sanctuary Alliance)

Read & Help orphaned chimpanzees lifesaving program. -- Donate to Help

Show that you care on 3rd March #WorldWildlifeDay #Youth4Wildlife

25 February 2017

Wishing You a Magical Day!

The quality ChimpOIL's narrow-necked clear-glass bottles & ribbed lined caps are specially designed for long term storage and superior protection for ChimpOIL's shell life; ie., maintain the stability of its product functionality.

18 February 2017

Efficient and Save - Rub to Relieve Pain with ChimpOIL

Relief of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis pain (RA) with Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil. Use few drops of chimpOIL to get relief in 5 to 15 minutes.

12 February 2017

Facebook: Invite your friends to like ChimpOIL

Share the love, invite your friends to like ChimpOIL's page on Facebook.

Please refer to screenshots below to locate a link on our Page that is in place for this purpose.

11 February 2017

雞鳴東方传十五 Cocking at the East

Cocking at the East on day 15th of #CNY2017.


所以在年十五 -- 华人新年喜庆结束的这天,我们就以中国歌手龔琳娜, 以她獨特的“雞鳴”方式唱響北京紐約,共同开心庆祝华人传统节日。最后亦加添这篇TED-Ed Lesson Worth Sharing 之'12生肖之谜' 教材视频,作这篇猩闻的结尾,值得我们分享连接。

10 February 2017

ChimpOIL on Messenger. Reach us by Scan Code or Tab Link

ChimpOIL on Messenger

Something to share with us? Scan code or tab link below to reach us on Messenger.


Messenger Link: m.me/chimpoil

With more than 1 billion people are on Messenger, Facebook’s messaging app is on its way to surpassing the popular social network regarding popularity. Messenger is no longer just a place where you chat with your friends: it'll soon be a place where you can chat with companies and customer service bots, and have useful information sent to you — like your boarding pass for a flight. 

Just scan code and get started, or use our messenger link to start a conversation with us... in English, Chinese *中文简体/繁體 or Malay *Bahasa Malaysia.

- @chimpOIL Messenger Link: m.me/chimpoil

9 February 2017

New Act to Govern Minimum Standards on Private Caring Home

PUTRAJAYA: Private entities providing care for the aged will be governed under a new Act to ensure minimum standards are met when looking after them in their sunset years.

The Private Aged Healthcare Facilities and Services Bill, which was endorsed by the Cabinet Wednesday, will be tabled in Parliament and enforced by the end of the year.

Private Caring homes with caring of more than four people of 60 years and above are required to be listed.

Read more at bit.ly/coil170209
Source: TheStar

8 February 2017


家庭之宝 安全可靠 探亲送礼 实用得体

精选篇: 香港有才女之称的李碧华, 名作家与编剧家, 就曾带一贯风情语带点犀利地用驱风油来形容为男人 - 好男人不过是好的驱风油 (散文,语录  1993)

7 February 2017


中国国家食品药品监督管理总局于年头对外发布了一份《中成药通用名称命名技术指导原则》下称《指导原则》的征求意见稿。内容提及四题命名基本原则,即中成药不应采用“宝”、“灵”、“精”、“强力”、“速效”等夸大用词。也把 “御制”、“秘制” 等溢美之词列入了中成药名字“黑名单”。



如此一来,往后什么老招牌,老字号将都一一消失。什么镇痛片、什么人丹、什么风油精、什么驱风药酒、什么救心丸 -- 不论新药旧品牌 -- 要改名的中成药至少也有5000种吧(见图分析)!

后记: 但愿此风波不会在境内上演。

5 February 2017

Fast Efficient Way to Relieve Pain

Rub & massage with ChimpOIL (Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil 猩猩驅風油) - the medicated choice traditionally used for relief of muscles soreness and body aches. 

14 January 2017

揉搓猩猩油在太阳穴和风池穴处能令人更容易人睡, 治失眠

猩猩驅風油之生产经营的质量规格控制良好,经获马来西亚卫生部审核批准列为处方药 (MAL13045055XC),中西药店或商场均可售卖。

猩猩油 - 气味芬芳,货真实惠,有驅風止痛、止痒等的功效,因此备受顾客长期信赖惠顾。一般家庭都习惯摆放一二支猩猩驅風油备于家中客厅或房间; 以备不时之药用急要,及时救治家人身体状况。


猩猩油采用多种药性成份制成 -- 既有冬清油、薄荷冰、桉树油、樟脑粉、松节油等等原料配方组成。药效用途广泛。


- shop.chimpanzeebrand.com
- bit.ly/baizigui
- facebook.com/chimpoil

