25 February 2017

Wishing You a Magical Day!

The quality ChimpOIL's narrow-necked clear-glass bottles & ribbed lined caps are specially designed for long term storage and superior protection for ChimpOIL's shell life; ie., maintain the stability of its product functionality.

18 February 2017

Efficient and Save - Rub to Relieve Pain with ChimpOIL

Relief of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis pain (RA) with Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil. Use few drops of chimpOIL to get relief in 5 to 15 minutes.

12 February 2017

Facebook: Invite your friends to like ChimpOIL

Share the love, invite your friends to like ChimpOIL's page on Facebook.

Please refer to screenshots below to locate a link on our Page that is in place for this purpose.

11 February 2017

雞鳴東方传十五 Cocking at the East

Cocking at the East on day 15th of #CNY2017.


所以在年十五 -- 华人新年喜庆结束的这天,我们就以中国歌手龔琳娜, 以她獨特的“雞鳴”方式唱響北京紐約,共同开心庆祝华人传统节日。最后亦加添这篇TED-Ed Lesson Worth Sharing 之'12生肖之谜' 教材视频,作这篇猩闻的结尾,值得我们分享连接。

10 February 2017

ChimpOIL on Messenger. Reach us by Scan Code or Tab Link

ChimpOIL on Messenger

Something to share with us? Scan code or tab link below to reach us on Messenger.


Messenger Link: m.me/chimpoil

With more than 1 billion people are on Messenger, Facebook’s messaging app is on its way to surpassing the popular social network regarding popularity. Messenger is no longer just a place where you chat with your friends: it'll soon be a place where you can chat with companies and customer service bots, and have useful information sent to you — like your boarding pass for a flight. 

Just scan code and get started, or use our messenger link to start a conversation with us... in English, Chinese *中文简体/繁體 or Malay *Bahasa Malaysia.

- @chimpOIL Messenger Link: m.me/chimpoil

9 February 2017

New Act to Govern Minimum Standards on Private Caring Home

PUTRAJAYA: Private entities providing care for the aged will be governed under a new Act to ensure minimum standards are met when looking after them in their sunset years.

The Private Aged Healthcare Facilities and Services Bill, which was endorsed by the Cabinet Wednesday, will be tabled in Parliament and enforced by the end of the year.

Private Caring homes with caring of more than four people of 60 years and above are required to be listed.

Read more at bit.ly/coil170209
Source: TheStar

8 February 2017


家庭之宝 安全可靠 探亲送礼 实用得体

精选篇: 香港有才女之称的李碧华, 名作家与编剧家, 就曾带一贯风情语带点犀利地用驱风油来形容为男人 - 好男人不过是好的驱风油 (散文,语录  1993)

7 February 2017


中国国家食品药品监督管理总局于年头对外发布了一份《中成药通用名称命名技术指导原则》下称《指导原则》的征求意见稿。内容提及四题命名基本原则,即中成药不应采用“宝”、“灵”、“精”、“强力”、“速效”等夸大用词。也把 “御制”、“秘制” 等溢美之词列入了中成药名字“黑名单”。



如此一来,往后什么老招牌,老字号将都一一消失。什么镇痛片、什么人丹、什么风油精、什么驱风药酒、什么救心丸 -- 不论新药旧品牌 -- 要改名的中成药至少也有5000种吧(见图分析)!

后记: 但愿此风波不会在境内上演。

5 February 2017

Fast Efficient Way to Relieve Pain

Rub & massage with ChimpOIL (Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil 猩猩驅風油) - the medicated choice traditionally used for relief of muscles soreness and body aches.