29 September 2016

A “Contented Finding” Towards End of 3rd Quarter of the Year

While performing our internet search recently, we were surprised by seeing our website, chimpoil.com being listed in the List of Top 250 Websites on MEDICINAL.

Kudos! This “unexpected” listing is found in BigListofWebsites.com. The website (BigListofWebsites.com) provides professional users with the tool to find the most popular websites in a niche market – from its over-five-million websites spidered and listed in their database.

25 September 2016

Great Apes Giving Day - October 4, 2016

Join Arcus and GFAS in a global day of giving in support of more than 30 qualified sanctuaries and rescue centers providing rehabilitation or long-term care for great apes and gibbons throughout Africa, Asia, and North America.

20 September 2016

Which chimp colouring do you like?

Which chimp colouring do you like? - vote by commenting #LEFT or#RIGHT below!
#LEFT . Creamy Yellow
#RIGHT . Green Chartreuse; Green Yellowish
The best rated Chimp will be used in our upcoming marketing tool.
Please vote.
#chimpoil #chimpcolouring #vote

19 September 2016

Rainforest Rescue's Petitions - Support for Good Causes


For the love of animals and nature, and to support the global environmental wellbeings, we wish to highlight some immediate issues here raised by the Rainforest Rescue team in their current petition projects.

15 September 2016

ChimpOIL Lantern Puzzle CONTEST

Chinese copy 中文版请参阅以下链接: 

▪ 猜灯谜活动一览 --  https://bit.ly/coil140916
▪ 填写表格 --  https://contest.fbapp.io/1369641

In the joy of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival,  we have set this picture puzzle game contest for our fans and friends to make their guesses online; just like riddle guesses of a traditional Chinese lantern riddle game at cultural festival. 

PUZZLE : In the above picture, can you guess where is the KFC located?

(HINT:  Chinese ancestors had exploited this place; Guess the name of this place)

14 September 2016

猩猩油 庆中秋,齐来猜灯谜

mooncake fest contest

Click link below to view copy in English: 

▪ Lantern Puzzle Info --  https://bit.ly/coil150916
▪ Contest Form --  



(谜面:华人先贤开拓之地, 猜一地区名字)



6 September 2016


校园防蚊灭蚊小常识: 四川大学华西公共卫生学院


... 蚊子可传播疟疾、乙脑、黄热病、登革热、寨卡热等多种疾病。

5 September 2016

腾讯新闻: 巧用风油精,防蚊驱蚊防寨卡

... 目前最新证据表明,怀孕期间感染寨卡病毒,可能与畸形新生婴儿如小头症、胎儿死亡有关,但传播几率尚不清楚。所以,专家们强调,孕妇(尤其1-3月孕早期)或准备怀孕的女性是寨卡病毒感染高危人群,近期要慎重考虑前往发生疫情国家、地区。

... 要注意做好防蚊措施,一旦出现发热、皮疹、肌肉关节疼痛等症状,应及时到医疗机构就诊,并主动告知医务人员相关旅行史。


註: 图文转载自腾讯新闻

( 原文文稿属腾讯网登载供参考的商业信息。)

p.s.: 敬请留意明日将会有分享PowerPoint演示文稿教你或家人如何防蚊驱蚊。

3 September 2016

月饼心思 佳节表关怀
