你是否经常受腰背颈骨病疼或肌肉酸痛所困扰? 或患有風濕骨痛,關節压痛,肿痛疾病而烦恼不堪? 就连睡觉都被疼醒? 请马上滴下少许猩猩驅風油于患处部位, 猩猩油油力在瞬刻间便能为你缓解病痛,舒缓痛楚。
♂️♀️ 加以搓揉按摩更有助发挥药油功效。令药力快速渗透皮肤肌肉底层及经由血管组织吸收循环至全身体内,快速达到止痛消腫的效果。
♀️♂️ 另外,油效在通过穴位按摩或推拿能促使经络气血通畅来调理身体,进而根治疾病关键。
An effective soothing oil to relieve pain, muscle and joints soreness, cramps, bruises, sprain and back pain.
Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil™ (ChimpOIL) contains medical herbs compounds that relieve muscles pain, joint swelling and stiffness.
Relief mild to moderate rheumatic rheumatoid and arthritis pain (RA) with ChimpOIL.
Use few drops of ChimpOIL to get relief in 5 to 15 minutes, and rub/massage the painful area with small strokes until it feels warm (for efficacy). Do this 3-4 times daily.
MELEGAKAN KESAKITAN DAN KEKEJANGAN OTOT YANG SERING TERJADI - Minyak Angin Cap CIMPANZI adalah berkesan untuk melegakan sakit-sakit otot dan sendi, Rheumatik, kekejangan kaki, sakit pinggang, lebam, terseliuh dll.
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猩猩商標 猩猩驅風油
Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil™
Cheong Chee Kong Trading @Medical Hall
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