31 March 2016

Luck Comes in April

Feng Shui Sharing on 7 APR: Bring Luck into Your Home
Picture originally Designed by Freepik

A great day to end the 1st quarter of 2016 and welcome the luck (that) comes in April.  Perform a quick review today to see your accomplishments so far; are you in good progress to achieve those resolutions set earlier the year?

29 March 2016

SORRY 歹势, 拯救地球

自早前地球日开启至今,猩猩油之'猩浩地球'活动很快就会在这月底的最候一日圆满结束。筹募所得捐款将直接经由'SimplyGiving' 全数转交马来西亚-世界自然基金会公益户口(WWF-Malaysia), 为可持续生态环境保育所需经费出份棉力。也希望大家多多支持,慷慨解囊。www.simplygiving.com/chimphoot.

接下来我们将与台湾锺矅陽大师协办一场风水命理分享会,教导大家如何运用简单的方法招到好运。这里特意找来锺老师多年前为地球加油的一小风趣幽默片段 -- '对不起地球'。好让大家对大师有多一份认识。


‪#‎chimpOIL‬ ‪#‎锺矅陽‬

28 March 2016


Taiwan Feng Shui Master, Mr. Zhong Yao Yang will be delivering
his Feng Shui talk at KLSCAH KL on 7 April 2016, 8pm - 9.30pm.
世界风水乃中华文化哲學继承之一。虽有说风水是迷信,但它又不乏其应用之道理。回望大马华人药业的发展,甚至所有有华人聚居的地方: 风水向来都备受社会人群的关注或重用。无论从品牌命名,选址座向,摆设装潢; 至到居家风水, 风水改运等 -- 都存在着或多或少的风水理论或风水效应之影响。

故此,为秉持推广华人文化的传统保留,我们猩猩油创新的与台湾知名风水命理大师--鍾矅楊老师; 为大家协办一场名为《好运来到你家》的分享会。教你如何运用简单的方法,来轻易地招到好运气并把它带回家。事业能顺利之余,更有健康的身体。

27 March 2016

燃续生态未来 從心而发

... 燃续生态未来
一切從心而发 ...


23 March 2016

Weight and Measurement

Traditional measurement in health care market such as ingredients calculation may be expressed in tablespoon, tea-cup, glass, bowl and etc.  Do you know its equivalency in metric volume?  Here are their conversions that you need to remember.

One teaspoonful is equivalent to 5ml.
One tablespoon is equivalent to 15ml.
One ounce is equivalent to 30ml.
One teacup is equivalent to about 150ml.
One glass is equivalent to about 200ml.
One bowl is equivalent to about 300ml.

22 March 2016


許多的物種及其生境均面對著日益嚴重的不同威脅。我們生活在地球上有責任好好地保育那些珍貴的資源及環境,好讓我們的下一代仍可以繼續欣賞及享用。 - 世界自然基金會(WWF)


一份力,一份加油 !
不論多寡,请立即捐款 !


每位捐款者将获得猩猩油样本(4ml) 一支。

20 March 2016

Earth Hour - What's Next?

It's certainly an exciting time of the year that millions around the world join together for the biggest party - Earrh Hour. What's Next? At chimpOIL, we are supporting WWF-Malaysia once again, through simplygiving.com, with you to help protect our incredible planet.

We are making a difference by raising money for a cause close to our heart. All donors of this campaign will be given a sample pack of chimpOIL (4ml), as an appreciation token for your support given. Delivery is included within Malaysia.

- chimpOIL

p.s :
*1 Kindly drop us your delivery address with subject heading EH2016 after making a donation, at:
http://www.chimpanzeebrand.com/contact-us---.html or email us: oil@chimpanzeebrand.com
*2. For minimum rm10 or above donations only

Give a Hoot for Nature 猩浩地球

chimpOIL 猩猩油 is fundraising

19 March 2016


許多的物種及其生境均面對著日益嚴重的不同威脅。我們生活在地球上有責任好好地保育那些珍貴的資源及環境,好讓我們的下一代仍可以繼續欣賞及享用。 - 世界自然基金會(WWF)


一份力,一份加油 !
不論多寡,请立即捐款 !

Give a Hoot for Nature 猩浩地球

chimpOIL is fundraising for WWF-Malaysia
每位捐款者将获得猩猩油样本(4ml) 一支。

18 March 2016

Earth Hour 2016 地球一小时

Switch off non-essential lights and enjoy nature.

減少不必要的消耗,关掉点灯 享受自然吧!

Earth Hour 2016 is at 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM on Saturday, March 19.

17 March 2016

A Medicinal Journey of the Past

"Benevolent Heart and Skillful Execution" - the wooden plague
in commemoration of the launch of Chimpanzee Oil (1968, IPOH)

Journey back in time of the golden days of the 60's with a tradition full of remarkable Chinese cultures and values. A time where Traditional Chinese medicinal market gradually evolves in Malaysia and reaches its peak in the 80/90's.

"However, an unfortunate situation has been that for decades, that Chinese traditional medicine in Malaysia--and even in the extend of Asian traditional medicine—has struggled to gain legitimacy as medicine."

Here are some photos we published on FB official page previously, for all bloggers' enlightenment and viewing. More photos' captions/descriptions can be found from our FB photo gallery. 

We hope you will like them. Enjoy!

Quick link to our FB page: chimpOIL

(click on photo for full-sized gallery view on desktop browser)

16 March 2016

Conquer Pain

You are strong enough to conquer pain.

15 March 2016

天气酷热 風油解暑小贴士

近日天气酷热非常,部分地区在午后又会下起短时阵雨, 外出时应注意防暑防晒 。

3月20日 ▪ 春分 为【二十四节气】中二月春季九十天的分点, 太阳直射赤道,日正当中, 赤道中国家将会是最热的一天。另外, 厄尔尼诺现象若持续,将导致极端天气。马来西亚气象局预测炎热的日子会持续至6月 。所以要多关注健康, 多喝水, 不宜在烈日曝晒下运动。


出门时,涂抹滴几滴猩猩油在头部 (太阳穴、人中穴以及印堂等部位),可有效预防中暑以及感冒。

14 March 2016

Product Marketing

Chimpanzee Brand Product Gallery

Go for a visit to our new Product Gallery page and tell us which are the favorite photo(s) you Like.

Have a pleasant Monday!

Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil is a trusted brand of Traditional Chinese Medicated Oil to effectively relieve mild to moderate rheumatic pains, bruises, sprains, muscle cramps, muscle & joint pains and lumbago (back pain). 

13 March 2016

猩猩油 歷史簡界

張志剛先生( 猩猩油创办人)



吳師有鑑於此,特意徵得蔡先生同意,其價值連城秘方後,曾遊歷東南亞各地,見南洋一帶乃水寒地熱之區,患有風濕水濕者無數之多,故此吾師不惜艱苦, 在本地選用各地名屋藥料配製此油面世,救人無數,以享譽數十年,為可惜到一九三八年抗戰時其因藥料及各種問題故吾師以停止提煉,因此市面上亦告絕跡,後至一九五八,得蒙尊師真傳秘授,以秘方規格上加以改良,配合中西名貴藥料, 利用現代新科技提煉,古方之精華現代之油力,此油亦曾經由衛生局化驗證明,氣味芬芳,並無毒素成份,藥性溫和無論男女老少, 孕婦及產婦均宜服用,稱為居家旅行至寶.

- 張志剛

Read post in English

12 March 2016

Feel the Difference Little Drops Can Make

Choose the authentic medicated oil - Chimpanzee Brand, to feel the difference!

Chimpanzee Brand Medicated Oil (chimpOIL) is known for its effectiveness in relieving pain. The production of chimpOIL is licensed by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, as pharmaceutical product; tested and manufactured in compliance to GMP guidelines to make sure it (chimpOIL) is safe and effective. It is a clear liquid, with light yellow colour and pleasant aroma.

Apply chimpOil onto the affected parts of the body and massage the oil vigorously on the area until it feels warm (for efficacy). Do this 3-4 times daily.

- A product of Cheong Chee Kong Medical Hall

* Good Manufacturing Practices

11 March 2016



猩猩油功能有效驅風止痛,經由马来西亚卫生部批准,通过GMP良好生產规範制程确效作业。 本藥品为微黄色的油状液体,氣味芬芳。

主治:風濕骨痛, 瘀傷, 輕微扭傷痛, 抽筋及關節痛, 腰背疼痛。

- 張志剛藥行监制出品