No matter what age are we, we will likely experience some kind of body pains during our lifetime. For instance our body may suffer from neck or shoulder pain, knee or lower back pain; caused by muscle weakness or fatigue. In the long term the pain symptom may advance into more severe conditions such as sciatica, arthritis or rheumatism (intense flowing pain affecting the joints, tendons, muscles and ligaments of the body.) It is always advisable to consult your doctor in determining your conditions. We should also consume various vegetables and fruits to increase nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fibre that our body needs. Simultaneously, natural remedies such as chimpOIL can effectively help to relieve our muscle and joint pains. It is a trusted brand of Traditional Chinese medicated oil produced to ease pains and aches.
ChimpOIL is also formulated to relieve pain from sprains or bruises.
Just apply chimpOil onto the affected parts of the body and massage the oil vigorously on the area until it feels warm (for efficacy). Do this 3-4 times daily.
#chimpOIL #relievepain
不论我们活在什么年龄, 生命里都总会有过某种程度的疼痛症状。例如精力不旺、体力透支,使得身体机能变缓而表现于颈部肩部腰背部位等常常会酸痛的感觉,随着时间的推移或变剧以至可能引发的神经坐骨痛,关节炎,风湿骨痛等疾病。 因此对于辩证疼痛症状,寻求医生对症处理当是必然,然而平日我们也需要摄取多种蔬菜与水果以增加身体所需的维生素、矿物质和纤维素等的物质 。与此同时,由于猩猩驅風油为传统华人所信赖的中药品,有效驅風止痛。所以我们尤其建议常备有猩猩油,疼痛时就立即涂擦猩猩油以缓和痛楚,防范疾病恶化。
另外猩猩油亦可减轻外伤所引起的瘀伤, 扭伤/拉伤等的问题。
#猩猩油 #止痛良药
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