20 April 2016





提示 1: 西马

提示 2: 南北大道

提示 3: 霹雳州

答案揭晓及公布获奖者: 1-5-2016 (或更早)。



注: 你可以重复猜测填写您的答案。


食蟹猕猴,也称为长尾猕猴。主要分布在亚洲东南部国家地区。活动范围包括原始森林、次生林、红树林以及其他一些靠近水域的森林地区。它们的食物来源较为广泛,除了螃蟹以外,水果、树叶、小动物、鸟类都是他们食用的对象。近来的一些观察发现,随着生存环境的恶化,有些食蟹猕猴学会了捕食鱼类来扩大自己的食物来源。同许多动物一样,栖息地被破坏是导致食蟹猕猴数量减少的主要原因。另一方面,食蟹猕猴也面临被捕捉作医学实验或药物实验的危胁。来自当地农民、住户的捕杀也造成了它们数量的减少,部分国家和地区的政府已经考虑为这种生物建立相应的保护机制。- 原文摘自维基物种。

Read in English copy: bit.ly/coil190416

19 April 2016

Let's Guess & Share Them

Guess this place! & share them

These monkeys are cute, especially the smaller one.

Let's guess the location/spot where these photos (of monkeys) were taken.

Clue 1: in West Malaysia

Clue 2: North-South Expressway

Clue 3: in the State of Perak

Announcement of results & winners: 1-5-2016 or earlier.

The accurate & fastest answer we receive will win a surprise gift + chimpOIL.

Type your answer in the blog comment below or on our shared FB post (blog post).

Note: You can submit your guesses multiple times.

Info Sharing:

The crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis), also known as the long-tailed macaque, has a long history alongside humans; they have been alternately seen as agricultural pests, sacred animals in some temples and more recently, the subject of medical experiments. The crab-eating macaque lives in matrilineal social groups with a female dominance hierarchy, and male members leave the group when they reach puberty.  - Source: wikipedia

查阅华语贴子: bit.ly/coil200416


15 April 2016

杜拜首座海底别墅 The Floating Seahorse 2016年底将建成

哇塞!  真的是非凡别墅。
杜拜海地别墅预料会在今年底完成。该别墅计划已落实命名为The Floating Seahorse (漂浮的海马)。给大家分享分享。

有能力有健康的您可会计划去看看吧!  。。。 (据以售罄呢)

The Floating Seahorse in Dubai is an iconic, one of a kind luxury lifestyle project which was officially unveiled at The Dubai International Boat Show at in March 2015.

The Floating Seahorse is a truly unique underwater product which is the first of its kind in the world. It is an exclusive marine style retreat (All of the Floating Seahorse villas were seems sold out now; although you can still plan to go and have a view!).

13 April 2016



" 這偏方是我朋友的大嫂親身经歴, 膝頭很痛 ,痛到唔行得 ,醫生說要做手術 ,但做後效果可能亦不會太理想。

12 April 2016

11 April 2016

April's Fever with ChimpOIL's Movie Recommendations

Disney's The Jungle Book

The all-new live-action epic adventure of Mowgli. He is a human boy who was abandoned in the the jungle and raised by a pack of wolves.

9 April 2016

Relief, with chimpOIL 猩猩油助缓解疼痛


Go Lucky with Hair Highlight for 2016

猩猩油日前在雪隆华堂协办的风水命理分享会《好运来到你家》已圆满结束,感谢朋友们的参加及聆听,感激台湾锺曜陽风水命理大师给予我们的经验分享。 至于没能出席的你,或许这里的2016年小小贴士分享也能为你开开运 -- 启'发'运势!

#猩猩驅风油 #风水篇 #share #锺曜陽

1 April 2016

Happy April Fools' together! 猩 猩▪油▪愚你同乐!

猩 猩  ▪ 油 ▪  愚 你 同 乐!

!yaD 'slooF lirpA yppaH
Happy April Fools' Day!
